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Secret Key -Marine Racoony Hydrogel Eye & Multi Patch

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How to use

How to use :

1. Cleanse and dry your face before application.
2. Open the packaging and carefully remove the desired eye patch or multi patch using clean hands or a tweezer.
3. Apply the eye patch under each eye, ensuring they adhere well to the skin. For multi patches, apply them to the targeted areas on the face.
4. Leave the patches on for the recommended duration, usually around 20-30 minutes.
5. During this time, you can relax and enjoy the refreshing and soothing sensation of the hydrogel patches.
6. After the recommended time, gently remove the patches and discard them.
7. Gently pat any remaining essence into the skin until fully absorbed.
8. Continue with your regular skincare routine.

Secret Key -Marine Racoony Hydrogel Eye & Multi Patch